fidestra’s philosophy

Financial translation steeped in investment philosophy and principles

• Just like returns, a culture that seeks stable, long-term quality.


Swiss financial sector, European roots, international vision

• Primarily Swiss, but also based elsewhere in Europe and in North America, fidestra’s clients testify to the professionalism, thoroughness, precision and punctuality of the work delivered. The clientele mainly consists of asset managers, systemically important banks, insurance companies, pension funds, and so on.


No empty promises, just a code of ethics
• fidestra’s values revolve around thoroughness, responsiveness and efficiency.


Tailored services, personalised advice
• Trust is at the heart of customer relations, as is the concept of a long-lasting partnership. fidestra is committed to its clients and strives to be available and flexible, organising an annual on-site visit to major direct clients.


Knowledge cannot stand still
• fidestra also keeps a close eye on the latest developments, with two main objectives. Firstly, to stay informed on geopolitics and current events in economics and finance. Secondly, to identify the trends and innovations likely to influence the sectors in which clients choose to operate.
Research articles, specialist pieces and podcasts covering these topics in French, German and English are among the primary information sources that drive the company’s continuous improvement process.

green IT

fidestra has chosen alwaysdata as a host – a choice that is far from insignificant.

The company follows a logic of sustainable development and reducing the carbon footprint of IT services: more information here.


fidestra has invested in the Time for the Planet initiative.

For each service invoiced, fidestra will set aside 1% of the sum paid and invest it in the programme in instalments of €500 (minimum subscription amount).